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Assess Yourself

Are you a procrastinator? Do you take notes well?  How strong is your metacognitive game?  Find out the answer to these and many more questions using the surveys listed below. Each scale is a valid and reliable measure published in a peer-reviewed scholarly article. 

Key Study Technique Inventories

Each of the scales below are featured in Study Like a Champ (Gurung & Dunlosky, 2023). 


Your Study Behaviors

Assess the extent to which you use each of these ten major study techniques. Only two of them are very effective (find out which ones at the end).


Metacognitive Awareness

How well do you plan, monitor, and assess your own knowledge?  Survey coming soon.


Are you a procrastinator?

Assess your procrastination habits using this survey


The Learning Alliance Inventory

Having a good rapport with your instructor can be a big part of enjoying learning and being successful. Explore your interactions with your teaching with this scale (Rogers, 2012). 


How are your note taking skills?

Rate yourself on a 5 point scale on questions about your note taking habits.


Health Behavior Checklist

To learn well you should be also take care of your mental and physical health. Rate your health behaviors here (Hampson et al., 2019).

General Useful Surveys

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This scale measures levels of persistence and perseverance (Duckworth, 2018).

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Mindfulness Awareness Scale

Are you mindful

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Coping Style

Get a sense of how you cope with stressors in your life. Take the Brief COPE (Carver, 1997)

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Having a growth mindset is important to learning. Measure yours.

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Perceived Stress Scale

The amount of stress we experience can influence our learning. Take the Perceived Stress Scale  (Cohen, 1994). 

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Study Processes

Measure your attitudes towards how you study here.

The Pedagogical Influencer Project (PIP)

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